Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Track Workout Tuesday

I have decided that I don't like the track. I really don't like it. I do it because I know it makes me stronger, but I don't like it. So, I tend to ignore the pain because I know that track is evil.

However, tonight, I was so excited when I ran a mile in 9:23. WOW! I have NEVER EVER even THOUGHT I could do that. WOW! However, I felt like I was going to puke and had the dry heaves. Yuck. And, I had to pee - really badly. So, I went to the building to the restroom, took ONE sip of water, and did an 800 (2 laps). I had to pee again and thought I would puke again. I ignored the pee and had a sip of water. Did another 800. Again, thought I would die, felt like puke, and had to pee BADLY. No time to pee. Started on 400. Halfway around stabbing pain in my back. DOH! I should have realized earlier the familar kidney stone pain! DUH...And here I was blaming ALL of it on the track.

I did however do my fastest mile ever!

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