Saturday, July 18, 2009

Step Class, Walk, Japanese Hibachi Dinner

I started the day off by going to step class (pat on the back). The regular instructor was away this week (Anita), so we had a sub. While I enjoyed the class and it was difficult, I enjoy Anita's class much more. The sub LOVED repeater knees and single knees. I think 75% of the class was repeaters and single knees. :)

Next, I had a baby shower to go to. I did pretty well, but I did have some of the ice cream cake. I only ate half and gave the rest to Morgan.

Mike said he wanted to go to the Japanese Hibachi place (Yamato), and I wanted to go and be able to enjoy it. So, I decided to go on a walk before we went. I did 30 minutes of walking.

At dinner, I tried to be good. I ate half the rice (tons of oil and butter), double veggies (still lots of oil), and only 7 of the 16 shrimp (more butter). I also had the soup and salad. While it wasn't such a great thing from a health kick, it is one of my favorite meals of all time. I did MUCH better than I would have done 2 months ago. Progress. :) I wasn't sure how to log all that oil and margarine that was cooked with the food, so I just added a bunch. :)

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