Thursday, March 25, 2010


I have been doing quite a lot of travel lately, and it is rather hard to fit in along with the rest of my life. However, as I have been running, it is really pretty cool to check out cities as you run them. I keep thinking of something a c0-worker said to me when I wasn't a runner (HA - don't you love me calling myself a runner now). Anyway, he said, "I like to run a city and then drink a city." Unfortunately, I keep getting that order reversed. Ugh, Wine is the death of me!

Anyway, Nick and I ran together, and we did a little over 7 miles. It felt really good. I was bad and didn't work out yesterday, so I felt like I needed to more than my normal run. We went about a mile and a half through the city and then we ran a path by the water. It was AMAZING! I loved it!!!!!!

I know it is silly, but I kept laughing when I saw a track there by the water and all the tall buildings, a baseball park, a whole foods store. I always think of those items in suburban America, and I am not used to seeing them in that environment. NYC is an amazing place to visit. I think I just might have to do a race there sometime. Very cool.

Of course, my hangover was much better once we ran. Thank goodness because I had to rush t get ready (Nick gave me 20 minutes, and he actually was ready - I was NOT!). We ate breakfast and then went to the meeting. Thanks for the run Nick!

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