Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Patting Myself on the Back

Today, I got to Atlanta, and I went to eat with someone I work with. He suggested Taco Mac as it is somewhere he can watch a hockey game. I said it was fine as I figured I could find something I liked. When I got there, there was the temptation of chips and dip - it came with a triple whammy of cheese, spinach and artichoke, and salsa. OH NO! I tried to be kind of good, but I had several chips and dip. Then, I ordered fajitas. I only ate half the meat, and I only had two tortillas. Better than I normally would have done. I also didn't have the rice. I got back to the hotel feeling a bit defeated. My first meal away from the house, and I didn't do great. Not as badly as I would have 2 weeks ago, but not great.

So, I was in my room, sleepy, and trying to talk myself into working out to make up for it. I came THIS close to just going to bed, but something told me that I would feel a lot better with myself and that I would sleep better if I just went for it. So, I got my shoes, workout shorts, and my polar, and I headed to the fitness center. I also took my bathing suit thinking I might swim a few laps. I started on the treadmill, and I did some intervals of walking and jogging. I did about 20 minutes. Then, I was going to do the bike for a few minutes, but it was bothering my knee a bit and the machine never would turn on (I cannot possibly ride a boring stationary bike without the cool gadgets that tell me the time, speed, distance, etc). So, I only did that about 2 minutes or so, and then I went to the elliptical to see how my knee would do. Well, it was GREAT! I am not sure what happened, but I just got into my groove. I even went FAST (well, for me). At one point for a few brief seconds, I went 7 mph on the elliptical!!! I mainly went between 5 and 6 which is already fast for me.

Short version is 39:42 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
627 calories - 30% fat
Max - 182 (99%)
Avg 153 (84%)

Light - 2:54
Moderate - 10:08
Heavy - 26:40


Grains (7/6) - cheerios, bread (2), tortillas (2), chips (2)
Veggies (3/3) - lettuce, onion, green pepper, tomatoes
Fruits (1/2) - banana
Protein (5ish/5) roast beef, steak - roughly 5 oz maybe 6
Milk (2/2) - cheese, cheese
Oils (5/5)- fajitas and cheese must have had a lot

All in all, I am proud. :)

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