Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday - Supposed to be Step Day

I decided that I had missed way too many of Anita's step classes on Saturday due to my stupid leg. So, I packed myself up and went. I figured I could at least do it on the floor and be getting back into it. I really like her class. SO, I get there and all of these people have yoga mats. Uh oh. I look at the door and it says Yoga at 10:30. Uh oh. This can't be right. I go look at the schedule and realize that there is no longer Anita's class on Saturday. WAAAHHHHHHHHHH..... I thought I was going to cry. She was my absolute favorite step instructor ever, and I missed her last day and don't even know where she went.

However, it was probably fate telling me to not do step until my leg is better. LOL....

So, I never really got motivated after that depression, so I just walked today. I am trying to be good and not run twice in a row as Chris told me. I didn't feel like biking or swimming even though that is what I should have done probably. Anyway, I walked.

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